Dinky Devils Car Club
Thursday, January 4th, 2018

Monthly pub meet tonight for anyone for who fancies a trip out.....

Friday, December 8th, 2017
SkegMiniFest - home

Don't know what to get your partner for Xmas, why not treat them to a weekend in skegness for Skegminifest 13/14/15 July, live music, minis, trade stands, beer and more all for Macmillan cancer support booking now open go to

Supporting the annual SkegMiniFest, a festival of Minis and a mini festival - music and minis on the east coast

Friday, December 8th, 2017

Thanks to the Lady who approached me this evening outside the Co op in Longstanton, telling me about the group. P.s hope your kids chips didn't go cold!

Saturday, December 2nd, 2017

A big thank you to Carolynn & David for organising another lovely Christmas dinner this evening. Sorry we were so late, we had a great time - Merry Christmas to everyone! 🎄☃️

Saturday, October 28th, 2017
SkegMiniFest - home

Skegminifest 2018 JULY 13/14/15 plans are being made, bands booked, toilets and showers ordered, all we need now are bookings to make next year even better than this year, so put this in your diary or book as BOOKING is NOW OPEN go to www.skegminifest.co.uk all monies raised go to Macmillan cancer support let try and beat this year's total of £4035.96 thanks for your support.

Supporting the annual SkegMiniFest, a festival of Minis and a mini festival - music and minis on the east coast

Friday, October 27th, 2017
T. Taylor Artworks

Get your Christmas orders in Now!! 🎄🎁🎉 we are less than 2 months away from Christmas 🎨🖼get your names on the list 😊 message page below for orders or more info 🖤
❗Half price classic car deal ends 1st of November🚘

Take a look Like & Share
For bespoke personalised portraits, murals, or anything you think I could help you with please get in contact
Prices negotiable

Friday, October 27th, 2017

Look who is in mini world

Sunday, October 15th, 2017

Hi, My husband Simon has a quick question he hopes you may be able to help with, thanks.

HI, I'm going to change the oil and filter soon on the mini, can any one recommend which oil to use? On the back of my cooper handbook it states "10w30 / 10w40" but i've read that 20w50 is better / less likely to leak all over the garage floor. I saw this oil in Wilko today, seems good value but will branded be a better choice? sorry of such a newbie question. Cheers Simon

Thursday, October 5th, 2017

Thank you for letting me join, we picked up our mini a few weeks ago and so far absolutely loving it. I think you are the closest group to us, we are Longstanton.

Sunday, September 17th, 2017
Photos from David Horsler's post

A couple of pictures from Stanford hall mini show today, the first time it has been run by the British mini club...

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